Friday, November 19, 2010


Enjoy the golf course while you can! We will close the course for winter Sunday at dusk.

We're in a chess match with mother nature and she has us in check. Weather forecasts have a chance for snow and bitter cold temperatures around Thanksgiving. The challenge is to keep the course open as long as possible but to be ready for winter before the first snow storm/ deep freeze.

This week we applied fungicides to the tees and fairways to protect them from snow mold. We also placed the protective green covers throughout the course. The short holiday week next week will be extremely busy for us. We have to blow all the water out of the irrigation system on Monday. The greens need to be sprayed to protect them from snow mold. After that we will apply some organic fertilizer and topdress them with sand. The last step is to cover the greens with the protective tarps.