Here are a some stats for those who like numbers:
- During May we observed 3.15 inches of rain compared to 4.74 inches in a "Normal" May.
- We also received 3.15 inches in June compared to 4.94 normal.
- We have received No rain so far in July but would normally expect to have received 4.18 inches by month's end.
- June Average Daytime High = 86 (81 Normal)
- July Average Daytime High = 96 (86 Normal)
- June 27: 101
- June 28: 97
- July 1: 97
- July 2: 97
- July 3: 99
- July 4: 101
- July 5: 101
- July 6: 102
- July 7: 100
All things considered, the golf course is in excellent condition. We are actually quite glad that we are hot and dry rather than hot and wet. Excess moisture during high heat & humidity is the recipe for turf decline and for turf diseases to run rampant. Hopefully this is the worst heat we will see this year. Either way, we are confident in our turf and in our ability to provide good playing conditions and; most importantly, healthy turf.
Greens: are performing very well. Speed has been somewhat slower. We increased the height of cut and we're mowing and rolling less frequently. We will return the mowing height to normal and resume our mowing/ rolling schedule with cooler weather. We will continue to vent greens by aerifying with 1/4 inch solid tines once per month. Each green's moisture content is monitored several times per day and each one receives an individualized dose of water.
Collars: are performing better than expected given the extra challenges involved in maintaining turf in the intersection of greens and roughs. Core aeration has been increased this spring and early summer to relieve compaction and thatch- it appears as though this effort is paying off big time.
Hand watering of localized dry spots is the norm. |
Roots are deep and healthy. |
Fairways & Tees: are also doing very well. We are continually monitoring moisture in the fairway and adjust each sprinkler's run time to provide uniform moisture through the peaks and valleys. Tees are hand watered when necessary.
When soil temperatures soar into the 90's roots stop functioning. |
Turf canopy temperatures well over 100. |
A light mist of water not only cools the turf surface but also temporarily lowers cell temperatures through the cooling effect of evaporation. |
Irrigation System: is getting a workout. We are constantly tuning our watering programs and repairing sprinklers which fail more frequently during periods of heavy watering.
Grounds Crew: Seasonal staff have been going home early to escape the heat. Full- time staff work longer hours to keep an eye on your turf- we're stressed but appreciate those who offer praise and brave the heat with us to enjoy your golf course!